We came across this unique and curious building when we were in Renmark, South Australia recently. The town of Renmark is full of buildings in this era, and some of them are heritage listed and have been lovingly restored, like the magnificent and pristine Renmark Hotel.
The Ozone Theatre, which immediately captured my interest, has a surprising discovery for anyone who can peer in the doorways, and thats a beautiful marble and wooden centred staircase that takes you up to the second floor. Unfortunately, you really need to be lucky enough to walk past this old grand building to see the amazing gifts inside, which seems to have been largely left alone.
The Ozone was built in 1925, and was then called the "New Arcadia" (it replaced an older theatre that had burned down), and renamed the "Ozone" in 1940. The last screening in the Ozone was in 1966, due to interest in going to Drive In movies nearby.
It then became and Arts and Crafts Centre for Adult Education, was sold to the council in 1990, and was then controversially sold off by the council in 1996, to a private investor. When we walked by, it looked like it was being used as a clothing warehouse and the roof was being utilised as a mini solar farm.
The marble staircase leads to upstair seating in the theatre, and to two cafes that were either side of the landing.
For such an imposing building, right on the Murray River, it seems as shame to me that you cannot go inside.
Wishfully thinking, maybe one day, fate will change for this beautiful building, and it may come alive again........

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David Harvy (Tuesday, 16 June 2020 21:54)
My father ran the Ozone from 1961 to 1966 under the company Harvy Cinemas Pty Ltd. Thus, I have much knowledge about same. �
Carl (Saturday, 28 January 2023 00:14)
Renmark Council has a recent history of neglecting, and of squandering, irreplaceable assets, usually as a result of decisions taken behind closed doors. The latest example is the decision to demolish the wonderful Art Deco Bank of NSW building for what is euphemistically described as public space. An imaginative Council might have utilised this building creatively, but creative imagination is not a quality this Council possesses. The Ozone's fate is an opportunity wilfully - and knowingly-lost forever.
Tasman (Friday, 24 March 2023 17:11)
Sitting opposite this grand building at the picnic table and admiring it. Shame it is so neglected. Renmark Council or the SA heritage authority should step up.