Posts tagged with "health"

Gluten free Swiss Roll Recipe
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 22. April 2024
Here is a great recipe I have made using the Thermomix that makes a delicious gluten free swiss roll that you can fill with jam or jam and cream, hazelnut chocolate spread or cream or lemon curd and cream. These are just a few ideas, you can get creative!
Making Gluten-free Scones
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 04. March 2024
A few months ago I assisted at a Thermomix cooking class featuring superwoman baker Yoke Mardewi , who has developed her own proper gluten-free bread flours that not only makes gluten free sourdough, but now a new cake flour that can make superb scones. It's life changing.

Make your own Gluten Free Granola
Country Kitchen & Recipes · 22. October 2021
While both muesli and granola are a mix of grains, seeds, nuts and dried fruits, the main difference is that granola is sweetened with honey or maple syrup and is baked. Muesli is not baked. They each are regarded as a healthy breakfast.
Growing tea in the garden
Garden · 19. May 2021
As well as freshening your breath and providing health benefits, there are the environmental benefits of less transport, no use of pesticides, and less packaging associated with growing your own cup of tea.

The Gut-Mind Collective Podcast.
People · 12. March 2021
I was recently very excited to receive an invitation to talk on The Gut-Mind Collective Podcast, with my good friend Merryn in East Gippsland, about having coeliacs disease and the role my kitchen garden played in helping recover.
Hiking to the light.
People · 01. March 2021
I am joining a group of 20 women from across Gippsland and Bass Coast hiking to the Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse to raise money to sponsor women in Gippsland through the Go Girls Foundation unique 5 month program.

Adding Elderberry to the spring time garden.
Plant Guides · 11. August 2019
The underrated Elderberry shrub (Sambucus Nigra), with it’s white delicious plumes of Elderflowers, is a meaningful addition to any edible garden of note. It’s berry’s may not be as delicious straight off the tree, it’s akin to a watery blackberry, but once the dark purple blackening berry is stewed into a concoction, it takes on a delicious richness that will satisfy and keep flu’s at bay for the winter months.