New spin on this "Great Depression" cake, which is easy to make from basic pantry staples, that you always will have on hand.
It's Good Friday! Easter is nearly here, so its time to make some cost effective chocolate treats:
When in you live in the country side you meet some lovely older ladies who are only too happy to open up their mother's or grandmother's handwritten recipe books to share with you. When you have food allergies especially, its like they almost have them memorised and say "i'd think you could eat this great simple recipe from the 1930's" etc.
Well this is an old recipe given to me, its basic and turns out beautiful and delicious. I varied this time by only by adding gluten free flour instead of regular flour, I use the "Lauke" Gluten Free White Bread Flour, which acts very similar to regular wheat varieties.
I happened upon a really easy chocolate icing also and added crushed chocolate and hazelnuts on the top, which makes it really rich, but would be great for special occasions, like birthdays etc. For Easter, I have decorated it with Easter Eggs and used a milk icing. This cake also makes a great sheet cake for school birthdays as its just so simple, nearly as easy as a packet cake, to make.
I hope you enjoy and find it delicious............
1 and half cups of flour (plain or Gluten Free)
3 tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla or vanilla paste
1 tablespoon white vinegar
6 tablespoons oil (rice bran, canola, light olive oil)
1 teaspoon baking powder

Preheat oven 180 degrees celsius
Grease 20cm round cake tin
Dust inside of tin with excess cocoa powder, so it wont stick.
Add everything into bowl and whisk or use hand beater until combined well. It will be a runny mix.
Pour into cake tin
Bake 35-40 minutes
Cool for 10 mins, then turn out of tin

Chocolate Icing
200 grams good quality dark chocolate
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
Method: melt chocolate and coconut oil over low heat, when melted add vanilla and stir. Put mixture in fridge to cool for 35-40 minutes. Pour over cake, then leave overnight to set or put in fridge for 2 hours to set. It does set hard but is delicious and leaving it at room temperature softens it.
Milk Chocolate Icing
400gms icing sugar
2 x tablespoons milk
2 x tablespoons Cacao Powder
Method: Mix together with fork, if mixture is too dry, keep adding a splash of milk until runny. Will set in fridge. This mix is great for icing doughnuts too!

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