Such a small island is Ireland, after living in Australia, you can forget for a minute that it doesn't take too long before you can get anywhere really.
In Australia, walking from one town to another seems a crazy feat, but its quite possible in Co Wicklow, as you take the stunning scenic walk from Greystones Harbour in County Wicklow, along the cliff side up to Bray, which sits south of Dublin. It's a two hour, 7km walk, and on a fine day or evening, is magical!

Greystones itself is a cute seas side town with a long esplanade of it's own, containing Georgian holiday homes of the notable figures from Dublin, it was the place to go for holidays!
Now new buildings are also going up along the shore. Church street is also the location of The Happy Pear, from Jamie Olivers Food Tube fame, and is a wonderful spot to start the walk to Bray, getting in some good wholesome food and coffee from the cafe for the trip.

Once you begin walking up, the cliff side walk follows the coast line the whole way along the east coast aspect, providing wonderful views of the ocean and also of golden grasses the wild flowers that adorn the hill sides. High Summer and Autumn are the best times for flowers.
It might be one of the only places you can see a lizard basking in the sun, you may be able to spot a basking shark, dolphin or porpoise.
The path is well marked with signs and is wide enough for two people to walk comfortable side by side, and there are resting spots all along it.
If you just want to do one way, you can take the regular DART trains back to your original location.

This is the scenic walk to put on your list if you're in County Wicklow. The golden summer evenings after dinner is the best time.
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